The Tale of Beas River
Lewis Lee 6 February - 12 March 202510 Chancery Lane Gallery is proud to present Hong Kong artist Lewis Lee in a solo exhibition entitled “The Tale of Beas River” at 10 Chancery Lane Gallery. The exhibition... -
Inner Nature – Return to Innocence
ANUnaran Jargalsaikhan 15 November 2024 - 25 January 202510 Chancery Lane Gallery is honoured to the debut solo exhibition in Hong Kong of Mongolian artist ANUnaran J. Solo Exhibition “Inner Nature – Return to Innocence ” in Hong... -
Cheng Cheuk Wang, Cody, Cecilia Chiang, Yuko Fukuba Johnsson, Fung Yee Tin, Thomas, He Mingyi, Rina, Ho Wing Wa, Ernest, Inkgo Lam, Ellis Lau, Jennifer Lee, Li Hoi Yee, Eilly, Wong Wan Hang, Caleb, Yeung Nga Fei, Alice, Valerie Ying 19 September - 6 November 202410 Chancery Lane Gallery is proud to present the 13th edition of HKFOREWORD in 2024, which introduces new art from Hong Kong through its latest art graduates. This year we... -
Celestial Equilibrium
Laurent Martin "Lo" Solo Exhibition 23 May - 12 September 202410 Chancery Lane Gallery is proud to present bamboo sculptor Laurent Martin “Lo” with a solo exhibition in Hong Kong entitled “Celestial Equilibrium”. The exhibition runs from May 23 -... -
Wang Keping
Solo Exhibition 20 March - 18 May 2024Sculptor Wang Keping finds the essence or vitality of his creations residing within the very wood he works with. After prolonged observation of its knots and branches, he is inspired... -
Art Basel Hong Kong 2024
Dinh Q. Lê, Wang Keping, Huang Rui, Bùi Công Khánh and Laurent Martin “Lo”, Anton Poon, fuchsia and Katrina Leigh Mendoza Raiman 26 - 30 March 202410 Chancery Lane Gallery is proud to present an exciting selection of artists for Art Basel Hong Kong. Presenting the gallery’s most important and sought after artists: Dinh Q. Lê,... -
Threads of Connection
Chi Qun, Dinh Q. Lê, Gu Benchi, Huang Rui, Jake Wong Man Kit and Zhang Xuerui 25 January - 9 March 202410 Chancery Lane Gallery is proud to present a group exhibition entitled Threads of Connection featuring 6 artists whose works unveil hidden meanings and evoke the idea of exploring connections,... -
fuchsia 16 November 2023 - 12 January 2024Fuchsia (born in Paris 1995) is a mixed-media artist currently based in London. Working primarily with watercolour and oils, she explores concepts of good and evil through carefully selected colour... -
Rubiks and Crystals
Sculptures by Anton Poon 5 October - 9 November 2023Sculpture creation has been a significant aspect of my personal life since my education in Australia. I perceive art-making as encompassing more than mere technical and conceptual proficiency. At a... -
The Armory Show 2023
WANG KEPING, HUANG RUI, BUI CONG KHANH, HTEIN LIN, LAURENT MARTIN "LO", KATRINA LEIGH MENDOZA RAIMANN, KOSHIMIZU SUSUMU, ZOÊ MARDEN 8 - 10 September 2023We are thrilled to be bringing important sculptural works to the Armory fair in New York. France-based wood master Wang Keping has honed a distinctive style using the natural elements... -
Karen Chan, Chi Tin Sui, Wing Chiu, Lee Kam Ching Lewis, Pyrce Luk, Mak Yung Ka, Shum Hok Kiu, Christine Tsang, Ella Wong, Yoyo Yu 24 August - 23 September 202310 Chancery Lane Gallery is proud to present the twelfth edition of HKFOREWORD 2023, which introduces new art from Hong Kong through its latest art graduates. This year we have... -
Zoë Marden, Christine Nguyen, Katrina Leigh Mendoza Raimann, Jessica Zoob and introducing Arabella Chong 8 June - 22 July 2023Gaia is the Earth Goddess in Greek mythology and ancestral mother of all life. Each of the selected artists have practices linked closely to their experiences of nature and its... -
By Huang Rui 17 March - 29 April 2023Huang Rui is one of China’s most highly regarded artists and one of the pivotal protagonists of the first non-conformist art groups to emerge from China in 1979 - The... -
Art Basel Hong Kong 2023
Dinh Q. Le, Wang Keping, Huang Rui, Ma Desheng, Laurent Martin "Lo" and Liang Hao 22 - 25 March 2023Missing: Dinh: Khmer Reamker #23, 2022 Wang Keping: Buste(ww_036), 2015 // Reclining Woman (ww_289), 2012 // Woman(ww_345), 2005 // Untitled WK20, 2019 // Ailes (NI_20), 2014 // Standing Woman (WK19), 2012 -
Fire Rainbows
Pan Jian Solo Exhibition 8 February - 8 March 202310 Chancery Lane Gallery is proud to present “Fire Rainbows” a new series of paintings by Pan Jian. The Pandemic changed the way that Pan Jian viewed painting. He started... -
Tuan Andrew Nguyen, Wang Keping, Huang Rui, Bui Cong Khanh, The Propeller Group, Frog King, Htein Lin, Laurent Martin "Lo", Anton Poon, Koshimizu Susumu, Robert Rauschenberg, Nobuo Sekine, Kishio Suga, Adejoke Tugbiyele, Wang Du 15 November 2022 - 14 January 202310 Chancery Lane Gallery is proud to present “SPACIOUS” a sculpture exhibition. Featuring 15 artists from Japan, China, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Spain, France, America. The word spacious radiates openness and... -
Introducing New Art From Hong Kong 16 September - 16 October 202210 Chancery Lane Gallery is proud to present the eleventh edition of HKFOREWORD, which introduces new art from Hong Kong. This group of seventeen artists has been selected from four... -
KIAF Seoul 2022
Laurent Martin "Lo" | Wang Keping 2 - 6 September 2022Missing: Laurent Martin "Lo": Les Amants, 2022 // Mother, 2022 // Nothingness, 2022 // Flying Dream, 2022 // Caress, 2022 // Inside 03, 2022 Wang Keping: Couple WK20, 2020 // Untitled WK20, 2019 // Woman WK21, 2001 -
31 Women Artists Hong Kong
Curated by Caroline Ha Thuc 6 May - 31 August 202231 Women Exhibition was a 1943 exhibition organized by Peggy Guggenheim in her new gallery, Art of this Century, in New York City. One of the first exhibitions dedicated to... -
10 CHANCERY LANE GALLERY CELEBRATES ITS 20TH ANNIVERSARY WITH AN EXHIBITION OF 44 ARTISTS 5 November 2021 - 21 January 202210 Chancery Lane Gallery opened its doors in 2001 with its inaugural exhibition of sculptor Wang Keping. Twenty years on the gallery presents a storytelling of art and its evolution... -
Introducing New Art From Hong Kong 23 September - 16 October 202110 Chancery Lane Gallery is proud to present our 10th edition of HKForeword, which hosts a selection of new art from Hong Kong from recent university art graduates, both local... -
This Moment
Jessica Zoob 4 June - 15 August 202110 Chancery Lane Gallery is honoured to debut in Hong Kong British artist Jessica Zoob in her exhibition of paintings entitled “This Moment.” This body of work is about the... -
John Young Zerunge 23 April - 29 May 202110 Chancery Lane Gallery is proud to present Hong Kong born, Australian artist John Young in Spectrumfigures from April 23rd-May 29, 2021. This Spring in Hong Kong and during Art... -
Lightening's Edge
Pan Jian 5 March - 10 April 202110 Chancery Lane Gallery is proud to present Pan Jian, Lightening’s Edge, in his newest series of paintings. The exhibition opens on March 5th. Pan Jian is known for painting... -
Crossing the Void
Laurent Martin "Lo" 4 November 2020 - 15 January 202110 Chancery Lane Gallery is proud to announce exclusive representation in the Asia-Pacific of bamboo sculptor Laurent Martin “Lo” with a solo exhibition in Hong Kong entitled “Crossing the Void”...