Art Basel Hong Kong 2025: Dinh Q. Lê, Huang Rui, Laurent Martin “Lo”, Josephine Turalba, Wang Keping, Vũ Dân Tân, ANUnaran J., Chan Dany

Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre 1D01, 26 - 30 March 2025 
10 Chancery Lane Gallery presents for ABHK25 works by Southeast Asian artists: Dinh Q. Lê, Vũ Dân Tân, Josephine Turalba and Chan Dany; Chinese acclaimed artists from the 1979 Stars (Xing Xing) art group now showing at the Centre Pompidou in Paris: with an early work from 1983 by Huang Rui and a newly released from the studio massive couple by Wang Keping. Also showing mobile sculptures by French artist Laurent Martin "Lo" and we are proud to debut this year Mongolian artist ANUnaran Jargalsaikhan.
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