Mufasa Yu believes being vulnerable or being lack of something is the origin of creation.
Mufasa Yu is interested in exploring human vulnerability in different contexts. He believes being vulnerable or being lack of something is the origin of creation. It’s the feeling of powerlessness that lets the artist himself create a language that can be reminiscent of the audience. However, he is not just sharing his pain and despair. He believes vulnerability is also the quality that makes humans fragile and precious, this quality shows the intricacy of humans. The appreciation of human nature and vulnerability is what drives Mufasa to make art.
In recent years, Mufasa has been studying and practicing the medium of animation, movie, painting, performance, and installation. He enjoys the materiality and immateriality each medium provided. He does not believe the medium is just a tool to tell ideas but a companion for growth.
This animated journey revolves around the visceral form of people dragging, struggling, and expressing themselves toward the inevitability of not fulfilling one’s soul. The manifestation of loss results in people desperately trying to cope with the loss as they act to fulfill themselves, once again, in this ineluctable reality of urban space-time.
Mufasa Yu is a Bachelor of Arts graduate from Hong Kong Baptist University.