Fung Yee Tin, Thomas’s work examines the possibilities of hybridizing painting with printmaking, re-visits the relationship between printmaking, painting, and digital technology. The work uses silkscreen printing to reproduce the void pattern of photoshop, representing a sense of emptiness. The work functions as both an act of additive (printmaking) and a subtractive (digital) process. Fung seen analogue printing as both brushstrokes and visual language and re-examines the plasticity between printmaking and painting. The work presents the artist's daily life, depicting the artist's studio companions. The work uses the metaphor of emptiness to allude to the deficiencies of identity in the era.
Fung Yee Tin, Thomas (b.1993, Hong Kong) graduated from the Department of Fine Art, The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2019. He is currently an M.F.A candidate in the same school. His practise focuses on painting, printmaking, ink art and installation.