Casino Republic is an ongoing project based on an invented Nation or State resembling an old style colony. This absurdist series of paintings represent and imaginary world around Casino and...
Casino Republic is an ongoing project based on an invented Nation or State resembling an old style colony. This absurdist series of paintings represent and imaginary world around Casino and gambling culture. Bessmertny references feathered showgirls in his imaginary Casino Royale world depicted in light colours of pastel which create the atmosphere of frivolity. The symbol of the encircled volcano is the logo of the Casino Republic. The title “Study of perspective and vanishing point in a Papaya Bar” can be seen. A man at the bottom has the words “Monte” a game, traditionally associated with confidence tricksters, in which bets are made on which is the queen among three cards lying face downwards. His portrait “Ex Portrait of a Scholar”, The word “Horizon” demarcates a dotted line emerging from the eye of the ex scholar. A showgirls stretched out arm points to the word “vanishing point.” These are sarcastic references to the imaginary and absurd world of the Casino Republic.
Casino Republic is an ongoing project based on an invented Nation or State resembling an old style colony. This absurdist series of paintings represent and imaginary world around Casino and gambling culture. Bessmertny references feathered showgirls in his imaginary Casino Royale world depicted in light colours of pastel which create the atmosphere of frivolity. The symbol of the encircled volcano is the logo of the Casino Republic. The title “Study of perspective and vanishing point in a Papaya Bar” can be seen. A man at the bottom has the words “Monte” a game, traditionally associated with confidence tricksters, in which bets are made on which is the queen among three cards lying face downwards. His portrait “Ex Portrait of a Scholar”, The word “Horizon” demarcates a dotted line emerging from the eye of the ex scholar. A showgirls stretched out arm points to the word “vanishing point.” These are sarcastic references to the imaginary and absurd world of the Casino Republic.